Bamboo U

Building the Future with Bamboo

Episode Summary

John Hardy saw the beauty in Bamboo, and realized it was one of the few materials we can promise future generations. This led him to build the Green School in Bali entirely out of bamboo, with his wife Cynthia. His innovative ideas were instrumental in sparking a bamboo design and construction movement in Bali. Tune in to learn about how he gathered a team of designers, educators, and builders to create an iconic campus made entirely out of bamboo.

Episode Notes

John's Website Green by John and Cynthia

Green School

Bambu Indah

If you enjoyed this episode please check out what John Hardy is currently working on, instagram @greenbyjohn  

If you liked this podcast and want to learn how to build and design with bamboo and have an unique architectural tour of the Green School, join us at Bamboo U on our upcoming courses.

And follow us on instagram @bambooubali to see what we are up to in bali.

This episode was recorded at Bambu Indah in Bali Indonesia.